Fortunately, we had a good crowd today. Having a quorum enabled us to approve the slate of officers for next year which we did unanimously! This superb group will serve for Rotary year 2025-26: Rick Barber, president; Erin Haye, treasurer; and Brenda Cressey, secretary!
Carole Aaron invited Rene Murray. Rene, a healthcare consultant, lives in Ogunquit.
Focusing on the Rotary theme, Create Hope in the World, Alice offered some words from Langston Hughes.
Rick read some words of Gratitude provided by Tracy.
Alice commended Jen Bassett for her yeoman’s service in synthesizing data gathered at the visioning session last month. Steve Wilkos was lauded for volunteering to be our vision champion.
In happy dollars, Carol Brennan, Kerry, and Susan all were happy about sunshine and spring. Ed Smith was happy to note that he served on the very first 2 Cent Sale committee 50 years ago! Carole Aaron’s knee is healing well following surgery 4 weeks ago. Elizabeth Cutler is thankful for the history she learns from the old guard of the club. Erin won $230 on a scratch ticket! Rick told of a delightful experience attending a joyous Jewish wedding ceremony in Brooklyn. Not sure I have this quite right, but I think Alice’s daughter will run in a half-marathon in Wells and the 5K Frannie Peabody race in Ogunquit on the same day! Pete thanked the board and the club for birthday wishes. He also reported $1,068.48 in CLYNK cash!
“Our Two-Cent Sale fundraiser is just around the corner,
It’ll be the 50th Anniversary that we’ve done this great thing.
But there’s another sure way to keep the cash a-rolling in:
And that’s of course to keep CLYNK on the strong!”
Drawing the 4 and 5 of diamonds, yours truly watched the cash slip thought his hands.
Rick baked a dozen butterscotch scones to donate to the Foundation auction. Kerry took them home with her bid of $20.
Tracy succeeded in getting some members to sign up to man a booth at BonAire! On June 8. She also summarized the efforts that will go into making the July 18 Two Cent Sale a huge hit! Think about this – the “last table” will contain only gifts valued at $50 or more in honor of the 50th anniversary of the event.
Mark your calendars also for…
- Club social Tuesday, May 7, at the Front Yard at 4 p.m.
- Board meeting, Tuesday, May 14, at the Dunaway
- Changeover, M/T/W June 17/18/19 at the Clubhouse at The Forest