Guests today were District Governor Marion Cheney and her husband, Harry; and Dick Cressey, Brenda’s high school sweetheart.
Alice asked each of us to introduce ourselves. The introductions revealed that many of our members are new to Rotary just in the last year or two!
For her audacity of hope message, Alice quoted RI President Gordon McInally in saying, “Peace is the soil where hope takes root.”
For the message of gratitude, Hannah expressed thanks to all who responded very favorably to a recent Ogunquit Playhouse survey.
Pete again led us in the Four-Way Test. You betcha!
Elizabeth Cutler volunteered to take notes during Happy Dollars. Here’s her work!
- DG Marion Cheney and her husband Harry are happy to be visiting our club.
- Carole Aaron is happy that her cousin is happily pregnant.
- Hannah is happy about the Ogunquit Playhouse season that was recently announced and the very positive reaction to the schedule of shows.
- Jen had a lot of happiness to share since she closed on a new home on Monday and happily worked with Rotarians Eric (Bangor Savings) and Melanie (Red Door Title) to get the closing done.
- Melanie is happy it’s February.
- Eric is happy for Jen that she is in her new home.
- Jim is happy that his sister has recovered from her liver transplant and is home and it was Jim’s 70th birthday so everyone sang happy birthday.
- Ray is happy to be at the meeting.
- Brenda thanked Steve for his reminder about the 2 cent sale date and thanked Erin, Tracy and Susan for their work on the Day of Warming. She also did a plug for York Hospital where she had to go recently.
- Joe is happy that he was able to spend a few days visiting his sister and nephew. He is also happy that his wife Vicki is doing well but stressed and exhausted after she had a health scare this week. Joe is also happy to report that his Norwegian granddaughter recently completed a 29-day trip through Brazil as part of her Rotary exchange journey.
- Susan is happy to see Melanie.
- Carol Brennan is happy to be at the meeting.
- Alice is happy with the Chamber team (even Rick) and is looking forward to being in the new Chamber location around the first week of March.
- Pete is happy to have DG Marion Cheney and her husband Harry visiting our club.
- Ed is happy to have Elizabeth taking happy dollar notes and also mentioned a quote in the Rotary Magazine that said, “life is more interesting on the other side of yes.”
- Rick is happy to be going to Boston to see Moulin Rouge.
The CLYNK account stands at $1081.77! Pete was in good form sharing the following:
“Here we are gathering on the first,
Time to think about quenching that thirst.
But whatever you should decide to drink,
We’d love ya to save those empties for CLYNK!
For the Foundation auction, Erin, in absentia, donated a painting of a Shore Road scene. Also in absentia, Matt donated $30!
Governor Marion shared very interesting details of her initial exposure to Rotary in the late 1980s. Having been invited to speak to her father’s club, she discovered it was a room full of “her fathers” drinking martinis. The only female was the piano player! At that point, Marion had no interest in learning anything more about Rotary. It was years later on a visit to another club that she learned of Rotary’s polio eradication efforts. She had lost a childhood friend to polio; she was hooked. Marion spoke at some length about the Mental Health Initiatives Rotary Action Group. She urged members to learn more and possibly get involved. She also explained the work Common Man for Ukraine, a charity effort started by a New Hampshire Rotary club for the efficient delivery of food and heat to Ukrainian refugees and orphans of the Ukraine war.
Alice reminded us of the Après ski event at Crew this Saturday. A week later is the Day of Warming. A week after that is the Peace Concerts at Noble High School benefitting Rotary Peace Centers. Also on the calendar is the club’s visioning session on Wednesday, March 27, at the fire station at 4:30.
The board meets at 5:00 next Thursday at the fire station. Then our club meets again on the 15th.
Ed Seppa